Massive Twitter Attack: Apple, Joe Biden, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Uber Tweet Bitcoin Giveaway Scam
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Massive Twitter Attack: Apple, Joe Biden, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Uber Tweet Bitcoin Giveaway Scam

THELOGICALINDIAN - A massive advance hit crypto Twitter on Wednesday as abounding arresting accounts began tweeting about a bitcoin betrayal Soon it was credible that the aperture was abundant added austere back above corporations and acclaimed bodies tweeted that they will bifold your bitcoin including Apple Google Joe Biden Elon Musk Bill Gates Jeff Bezos Kanye West Barack Obama and Uber

Major Attack on Crypto Twitter With Bitcoin Giveaway Scam

On Wednesday afternoon, the Twitter accounts of abounding acclaimed bodies and companies in the crypto amplitude started tweeting about a bitcoin giveaway. The crypto association bound noticed the betray and warned others not to accelerate any bitcoin to the scammers. The Twitter annual of Cryptowhale wrote:

At columnist time, it appeared that the accounts that accept been compromised accommodate those of Binance, Bitcoin, Bitfinex, Litecoin architect Charlie Lee, Coinbase, Coindesk, Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ), Gemini, Tron architect Justin Sun, Kucoin, Ripple, the Tron Foundation, and Ethereum architect Vitalik Buterin. Most of them tweeted: “We accept partnered with Cryptoforhealth and are giving aback 5000 BTC to the community,” followed by the URL of the betray website.

Massive Twitter Attack: Apple, Joe Biden, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Uber Tweet Bitcoin Giveaway Scam

The Cryptoforhealth betray website was bound taken offline. Kristaps Ronka, CEO of Namesilo, the area agent acclimated by the scammers, told Techcrunch that the area was abeyant “on the aboriginal report” the aggregation received.

The Hack Goes Beyond Crypto Twitter, High-Profile Accounts Tweet About Bitcoin Giveaway Scam

The advance goes way above crypto Twitter as ample corporations, their founders, CEOs, and high-profile bodies began tweeting about a agnate bitcoin giveaway. They accommodate the accounts of Apple, above U.S. admiral Barack Obama, Microsoft architect Bill Gates, Cash App, Spacex and Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Floyd Mayweather, Google, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Democratic presidential applicant Joe Biden, Kanye West, above New York City ambassador Mike Bloomberg, Mr. Beast, Uber, and Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett.

Many accounts, including Jeff Bezos’, tweeted: “I accept absitively to accord aback to my community. All bitcoin beatific to my abode beneath will be beatific aback doubled. I am alone accomplishing a best of $50,000,000. bc1qxy2kgdygjrsqtzq2n0yrf2493p83kkfjhx0wlh Enjoy.”

Massive Twitter Attack: Apple, Joe Biden, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Uber Tweet Bitcoin Giveaway Scam

This accurate BTC abode acclimated by the scammers has raked in 12.862 BTC with a absolute amount of about $118,495 at columnist time. The affairs can be tracked here.

Some accounts, including Barack Obama’s, tweeted: “I’m giving aback to my association due to covid-19. All bitcoin beatific to my abode beneath will be beatific aback doubled. If you accelerate $1,000, I will accelerate you aback $2,000 … Only accomplishing this for the abutting 30 minutes. Enjoy.”

Most tweets were bound deleted by the annual owners. Some accounts, such as Elon Musk’s, fabricated several tweets about the bitcoin betray afterwards anniversary was deleted. However, not all accounts afflicted were popular; there were some with about 10 followers tweeting about the aforementioned bitcoin scam.

How Did This Massive Security Breach Happen?

The arduous admeasurement of the aegis aperture has abounding bodies brainstorm about how the advance happened. Abounding victims of the aperture are still investigating the account of the hack. Some brainstorm that the Twitter API has been compromised while several bodies say that afraid Twitter accounts did not accept 2FA set up — but this approach was bound disputed. “No way are all these accounts caught by able passwords and TOTP 2FA,” acclaimed crypto columnist Andreas Antonopoulos tweeted. Gemini Exchange co-founder Tyler Winklevoss affirmed: “we had 2FA enabled for Gemini. We are currently investigating [the] basis cause.”

Malwaretech tweeted, “Hearing a lot of bottomless rumors a Twitter agent with admission to the user administration console was hacked.” Antonopoulos added:

After about eight hours, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey assuredly tweeted: “Tough day for us at Twitter. We all feel abhorrent this happened. We’re diagnosing and will allotment aggregate we can back we accept a added complete compassionate of absolutely what happened.” Meanwhile, the amount of bitcoin charcoal abundantly artless by the account of the hack, currently still ashore at about $9,200.

What do you anticipate about this accommodating Twitter advance announcement bitcoin giveaways? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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